Change cPanel’s email password through command line

This script will help you change any email’s account password without using cPanel, this is done through the command line. It was written in PHP but mostly uses shell commands so I guess it was easier to use elements from both worlds.

Use it at your own risk, this script requires to be executed as root and was done for educational purposes.


// Inspired on	the following articles:

if (!isset($argv[1])) die("Usage: $argv[0] full@email [password]\n");

// generate random 8 character password
if (!isset($argv[2])) {
  $chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!.-@';
  $argv[2] = substr(str_shuffle($chars),0,8);

// validate email contains at least a @ and break it
if (!preg_match("/\@/",$argv[1])) die("Invalid Email!\n");
list($name,$domain) = explode("@",trim($argv[1]));

// get domain owner
$user = trim(exec("/scripts/whoowns $domain"));
if (!$user) die("Invalid Domain!\n");

// encrypt password
$cpass = trim(exec("openssl passwd -1 '$argv[2]'"));
//echo "$name @ $domain with $argv[2] $cpass\n";

// get home folder
$path = trim(exec("grep \"^$user:\" /etc/passwd | cut -d\":\" -f6"));

// get shadow line and prepare it
$shadow = "$path/etc/$domain/shadow";
$tmpshadow = $shadow . ".tmp";
$rest = trim(exec("grep \"^$name:\" $shadow | cut -d\":\" -f3-"));
if (!$rest) die("Email $argv[1] does not exist!\n");

// create tmp shadow file without the user's email
exec("grep -v \"^$name:\" $shadow --------> $tmpshadow");
exec("chown $user:$user $tmpshadow");
exec("chmod 640 $tmpshadow");

// add the new user's password
exec("echo '$name:$cpass:$rest' >> $tmpshadow");

// swap shadow files and backup the old one
exec("mv $shadow $shadow".".".time());
exec("mv $tmpshadow $shadow");
echo "$argv[1] password changed to: $argv[2]\n";

Save it as change_password.php and execute it to see how to use it: php change_password.php

cpanel 535 Incorrect authentication data

I ran into a small issue when migrating some sites to a cPanel server, tried a few “tricks” (/scripts/* –force hehe) without luck till I found a great post which pointed me the solution, and it is as simple as that!

Since I’m a very lazy guy, I wrote a tiny script which does what Jerry (from cPanel forums) said/explained. Copy the code, save it and execute it. By default it won’t do anything but show the directories and files current state and how they should be. If you see something is not as it should be then you should change the $debug var to false in order to allow the script to do the job. After that everything should be fixed and if not don’t blame me, you can always do that manually ๐Ÿ˜‰

#!/usr/bin/php -q
// file: fix_auth_perms.php
// turn it off if you want to fix them
// based on
$debug = true;

$maps = file("/etc/domainusers");
if (!is_array($maps)) die("No users found!\n");

foreach ($maps as $map) {
  list($user,$domain) = explode(": ",trim($map));
  if (!$user || !$domain) continue;
  echo "\nChecking $domain ...\n";

// $file = full dir/file path
// $nuser = desired user name
// $ngroup = desired group name
// $perms = desired permissions in octal mode (0640)
function _file_fix($file="",$nuser="",$ngroup="",$perms="") {
  global $debug;
  $uname_array = posix_getpwuid(fileowner($file));
  $gname_array = posix_getgrgid(filegroup($file));
  $file_perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($file)), -4);
  echo "  $file owned by $uname_array[name].$gname_array[name] ($file_perms)\n";
    //wrong ownership, fixing it now!
  if (!$debug) {
    if ($nuser && $nuser != $uname_array[name]) {
      if (!chown($file, $uname_array[name])) echo "  couldn't change file owner to $nuser\n";
      else echo "  changed file owner to $nuser\n";
    if ($ngroup && $ngroup != $gname_array[name]) {
      if (!chgrp($file, $gname_array[name])) echo "  couldn't change group owner to $ngroup\n";
      else echo "  changed group owner to $ngroup\n";
  if ($perms && $perms != $file_perms) {
    if (!$debug) {
      if (!chmod($file,octdec($perms))) echo "  couldn't change file mode to $perms\n";
      else echo "  changed file mode to $perms\n";
  //making a nice output :P
  if (!$nuser) $nuser = $uname_array[name];
  if (!$ngroup) $ngroup = $gname_array[name];
  if (!$perms) $perms = $file_perms;
  echo "  $file should now be owned by $nuser.$ngroup ($perms)\n";


Install and setup Samba in Linux

What is Samba? If you don’t know what it is then you shouldn’t be reading this ๐Ÿ˜‰ Samba can do a lot of things and we are only cover a basic configuration that will allow you to share specific folders on a Linux machine in the same way you share forlder in a Windows machine.

This will cover a very quick installation and setup of Samba on any Linux flavor, however in this particular case I’ll cover CentOS 5.2

First you need to install Samba’s binaries using yum ๐Ÿ™‚ (you can use apt-get or up2date if you want)

yum install samba samba-common

Installation stage has been covered, that was fast ๐Ÿ˜‰ Now we need to do a basic configuration in order to start using it and we need to design a structure… let’s say I want to setup a Linux machine to share a specific folder to everyone with read-only access and a specific folder for only local user with read/write access, so here we go:

cd /etc/samba
mv smb.conf smb.conf.backup
nano smb.conf

And paste the following configuration on the new smb.conf

netbios name = sambaserver
load printers = no
path = /home
default service = global
security = share
available = no

path = /var/ftp/pub
guest ok = yes
read only = yes
comment = Public Access
available = yes

path = /home/demo
guest ok = no
writable = yes
valid users = demo
comment = User demo home
available = yes

So far we have setup a basic global configuration, a public access area and a restricted area for a local user called “demo”. Before we continue you need to make sure the folder /var/ftp/pub exists. Now, before we start our new Samba server, we need to setup the “demo” account and it can be done in 2 ways:

useradd -s /sbin/nologin demo
smbpaswd -a demo

If we don’t want to give this user shell access, or…

useradd -s /bin/bash demo
passwd demo
smbpasswd -a demo

If we want to give this user access to shell and of course we need to set the same password for the system and Samba.
It is time to start our Samba server:

/etc/init.d/smb start

Now let’s try it, on Windows do the following: Start -> Run -> cmd

net use y:\\samba_server_ip\share
net use z:\\samba_server_ip\demo /user:demo thepasswordyouset

Hopefully you will see you have 2 new units on your Windows File Explorer, Y which is a read-only folder and Z which is a read/write folder ๐Ÿ™‚ that’s all!

If you want to do more things with Samba and you are lazy you can always get Webmin and use its module to configure Samba and use its advanced options.

NOTE: This article is for educational purposes and should be treated as it is.


  • The network name cannot be found: Check your computer’s firewall or if your ADSL/DSL modem, sometimes by default they block all outgoing connections to Netbios port which is 139.
  • Anything else check your log files /var/log/samba/smb.log ๐Ÿ™‚

Literature: (Thanks to them, this tutorial exists)
Sunny Walia
Joel Barrios Dueรฑas

Quick Ensim Backup

Nothing but an easy to use backup script for Ensim (4.X-10.X) which uses vhexport, so yeah, it’s not fast, but I wrote it because sometimes you just need to backup 1 or a few sites and drop them somewhere ๐Ÿ˜›

You just need to type this:

./backupsingle.php /path/to/backup

And you’ll see something like this:

Building site's structure... found NN sites
Building backup for N site(s)

Starting backup for domain (site1)... [OK]
Starting backup for domain (site2)... [OK]
Starting backup for domain (siteN)... [OK]

Can’t be easier ๐Ÿ˜‰ copy the code, save it and chmod +x that’s all ๐Ÿ™‚

#!/usr/bin/php -q
// dirty code, no comments ;)
$vhexport = '/usr/local/bin/vhexport';
$sitelookup = '/usr/local/bin/sitelookup';

if (count($argv) <= 2) die("Usage: $argv[0] /backup/path domain1 domain2 ...domainN\n");

$path = $argv[1]; $limit = (count($argv)-1);
if (!is_dir($path)) die("$path doesn't exist, creat it first!\n");
if (preg_match("/\/$/",$path)) $path = substr($path,0,-1);

echo "Building site's structure... "; sleep(1);
$ds = explode("\n",trim(`$sitelookup -a site_handle,domain`));
if (!is_array($ds)) die("Server is empty!\n");

foreach ($ds as $dlines) {
  $tmpparts = explode(",",trim($dlines));
  if (!is_array($tmpparts)) continue;
  $domains[$tmpparts[1]] = $tmpparts[0];

echo "found ".count($ds)." sites\n"; sleep(1);
echo "Building backup for ".($limit-1)." site(s)\n\n";

for ($i=2;$i<=$limit;$i++) {
  $bdomain = $argv[$i];
  $bsite = $domains[$bdomain];
  if (!$bsite) { echo "Looks like $bdomain has not a valid site_handle, aborting...\n"; continue; }
  echo "Starting backup for domain $bdomain ($bsite)... ";
  $cmd = $vhexport . ' -s ' . $bsite . ' -U "file://' . $path . '/%(type)-%(name)" -z';
  //echo "\n[debug] $cmd\n";
  echo "[OK]\n";

Duplicated uid’s causing quotas issues on Ensim

I’ve found some interesting error on some Ensim servers, some users having issues with their quotas and if you remove it and add it again you get the same quota issues. So, after a few minutes I noticed that the users UID’s with issues were duplicated on other sites and that’s a BIG problem.

Ensim uses a postgres database called “appldb” and a table inside “free_uids” (with fields ‘uid’, ‘site_id’) where it stores UID’s and their relation with site’s numbers, so when a user is deleted the field “site_id” is set to nothing and becomes available for the next user.

I did a small/dirty php script in 10 minutes, it’s very simple but effective. It checks if some UID is duplicated. Check the source:

* Create a file somewhere called “check_uids.php”
* Open it and paste the following code:

#!/usr/bin/php -q
echo "Checking your system for duplicated id's...n";
$lines = explode("n",`/bin/cat /home/virtual/site*/fst/etc/passwd`);
if (!is_array($lines)) die("No duplicated UID's found!");
foreach($lines as $k =--> $v) {
        $parts = explode(":",$v);
        if ($parts[2] < 22000) continue;
        if ($uids[$parts[2]]) { $uids[$parts[2]] .= ",$parts[3]"; $winners[$parts[2]] = true; }
        else $uids[$parts[2]] = $parts[3];
if (!is_array($winners)) { echo "Your system has no duplicated entries :)n"; exit; }
foreach ($winners as $k => $v) echo "Duplicated UID : $k on GID's: ".$uids[$k]."n";

* chmod +x check_uids.php
* execute it: ./check_uids.php

If you see a “Duplicated UID…..” then that means you have the same issue I had.

How can I solve that issue?
I’ve found a primitive way to do it, if you have a better one let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

* Case: UID 220001 is in group 503 (site1) and 504 (site2)
* Go to site2 and remove the user with the UID (normally you can find the username at /home/virtual/site1/fst/etc/passwd)
* Browse your pgsql, appldb -> free_uids and search for the UID at the field “uid” (if you are not a pgsql geek get the latest webmin, install it and have fun)
* Edit the pgsql “site_id” field (which should be empty) and put the value “1” (which corresponds to the site1)
* Add the user from the site2 again
* Run the script again, if you are lucky you are out of danger ๐Ÿ˜‰

NOTE: In the worse scenario I’ve seen the same UID on 5 different groups… that’d need an extra coffee ๐Ÿ˜‰