Ensim former Parallels Pro Control Panel X for Linux has a command line interface scripts as you SHOULD know 😉 which allows you to do several administrative tasks without login to the appliance. The other day I started to write an API in order to admin N Ensim servers with only 1 interface which is a lot of work/code but hell, I’ll post some screenshots later 🙂 … So one of the biggest problems I had was the script ChangePasswdVirtUser (located in /usr/local/bin), which allows you to change a virtual user’s password asking for the new password 2 times and I didn’t want to ruin my weekend and decided to hack that script and make it work like this: ChangePasswdVirtUser domain.com user newpassword
That’s so insecure! I know and I’ll come later with a more secure alternative don’t worry 😉 in the meantime you can play with it:
File: /usr/local/bin/ChangePasswdVirtUser1
# Usage:
# ChangePasswdVirtUser
# Example:
# AddVirtUser myco.com joe doe
import getopt
import getpass
import sys
import traceback
from vh3 import virthost
from vh3 import virtutil
from vh3.modules import users
import string
import be_vherrordisp
if (len(sys.argv) < 4) or (sys.argv[1] == "--help"):
print "usage: ChangePasswdVirtUser1 "
# checks to see if we are in maintenance mode
status = be_vherrordisp.CLIError.SUCCESS
status_obj = be_vherrordisp.CLIError()
options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"")
siteindex = virthost.get_site_from_anything(string.lower(args[0]))
username = string.lower(args[1])
passwd1 = args[2]
if not siteindex:
print "Domain %s does not exist on this server."% string.lower(args[0])
ret = []
virthost.edit_user(ret, siteindex, username, None, passwd1, None, None)
status = virthost.cli_display_status_list(ret)
status = be_vherrordisp.CLIError.ERROR
print traceback.print_exc()
Try php’s proc_open next time 😉 cheers!
@Ahmek: I tried with proc_open with no luck because output is not sent to STDOUT, but as I said, I’ll come back with something better soon don’t worry 😉 thanks for your comments.